Stats: 13 lbs. 3 oz. and 24 1/2" long
Firsts this month: Trip to the zoo, holding her head up, sleeping through the night
Clothes: She absolutely flew through 0-3 months clothes and is now in almost all 3-6 months things - especially onesies and sleepers. She's long with cute chubby legs. I love it!
Sleeping: We have been seriously enjoying sleep in this house. For the past month or so, Ginny has been sleeping from around 9pm until between 5am and 6am! Absolutely amazing. Occasionally, she'll get up around 2am for a quick snack, but otherwise she loves her sleep. She's been in her crib, unswaddled and loves to stretch out like a little starfish.
Eating: Three months and going strong. I'm so happy and blessed that breastfeeding is going well. Not that there is anything wrong with it, but I'm proud that we haven't needed to supplement at all.
New Tricks: She's gotten very good at holding her head up and has started babbling/squealing when she is playing. I need to catch it on video one of these days. She can sort of roll over from her belly to back, but I think it's mostly just tipping over.
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