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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Tunnel

C loves his tunnel! Who knew a tube of fabric could bring so much joy. :-)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Toddle Along Tuesay: Open Letter to Myself

What would you tell yourself if you could send a letter to your pre-baby self?

Dear Self,

Before I get into the nitty gritty, there is one important thing you need to know. You are going to have an amazing, funny, sweet little boy that is going to simultaneously give you gray hair and melt your heart. Sound confusing? Welcome to parenthood. While adding details will ruin all the excitement, I can give you a few hints to help you along the way.

Surprises are around every corner; learn to laugh and roll with them. Despite how it may feel, pregnancy and labor are worth every single heart burny, bloated, uncomfortable second. Everyone around you, whether they have children or not, will try to give you parenting advice. Smile and nod, but don't feel like you need to listen to any of it.

Be prepared to put your patient pants on and keep them on. You will be tested in ways like never before, but will be a better person for it.

Sleep is overrated and cuddling is underrated. An afternoon on the couch with a squishy baby is the best medicine. Always follow your Mommy instincts. Don't fall into the "I can't wait until..." trap; the future is coming fast enough. Celebrate the littlest of milestones for YOUR kid; there is no need to compare.

Do everything you can to remember the small details. The way he folds his hands when he sleeps, his bright soft skin, the way he grips your shirt when you hold him, the fine curls of hair at the back of his head, the way his deep brown eyes light up when he smiles, how he says Mommy when you come home, everything.

Not everyone is good at every age. You'll be an ace at some ages and stages and feel completely inadequate during others. It will happen over and over again, but its okay. You still love him dearly. (Thanks to my friend, Lisa, for that one!)

The house can be cleaned up later. When he wants to play and bang and sing and dance, join in. Do everything you can to say yes! He will do adorable things that will make you feel like your heart is going to burst. Don't worry, it won't.

There aren't enough words to explain or express what parenthood is truly like. All you can do is strap in and enjoy the wonderful, scary, hysterical, magical, messy, and entirely-too-short ride of a lifetime.

Good luck, Self. :-)


For fun, I asked J what he would tell his pre-baby self...
  • Sleep now.
  • Don't worry, you won't drop him even though you think you will. 
  • He will eventually walk. Don't worry and hang in there.
  • He will eventually sleep. Don't worry and drink lots of coffee. 
  • Changing diapers isn't actually all that bad. 
  • Learn some nursery rhymes, but when in doubt free style beat boxing works just as well.
  • Don't get too attached to the red Lay Z Boy - he comes with a lot of stuff and it will eventually go in lieu of a ball pit. 
  • A jumping toddler will land on your crotch 99.9% of the time. 
  • He's the best jogging, gardening, and reading buddy a guy could have.  

  • This week's Toddle Along Tuesday topic is letter to your pre-baby self! What do you wish that you-now could tell yourself from years past? There are no rules here, except that you link up a relevant post (old or new) rather than your whole blog.

Monday, June 25, 2012

And We're Back...

Holy MOLY its been a busy month! I'm sorry for the hiatus, but I'm hoping to get back on the posting band wagon now that our summer is in a groove. May is a super busy month for my job and with all the traveling we did the first few weeks in June, I hardly slept no less blogged. :-)

Here is a quick run down of what we've been up to...

We battled croup another double ear infection before finally getting an ENT appointment to talk about tubes. The doctor said C was a great candidate for tubes since his adenoids were blocking his ears from draining properly. He had also lost a lot of his hearing (temporarily) because of the ear infections, which is probably why he had been saying fewer words lately.

C went through a phase where he only wanted to sleep on the floor of his room. He'd drag all of his blankets to the floor and happily fall asleep. Whatever floats your boat, kid.

I traveled to Colorado for a work thing and it. was. beautiful. Just wow. I wish my boys could have come with me, but alas - they had a boys weekend while I was away.

Shortly after my return, C went in to get tubes put in and his adenoids taken out. He took it like a champ! By that afternoon he was back to normal and went back to day care the next day. He has been 100% healthy since June 5th!! ::knocks on wood::

C's Godfather (and J's childhood best friend) got married and we traveled to Maryland for the wedding. It was beautiful! So nice to see everyone and spend some time with the happy couple.

We spent a week at camp and had a blast. C went tubing and canoeing for the first time (despite hating his life jacket at first) and enjoyed his first camp fire and s'more. We can't wait to go back next summer!

C started a new day care here in town and we're really enjoying it so far. He only goes part time for a little socialization since J is off work for the summer. 

J is still on the job hunt, but he has a lot of applications out and we're keeping our fingers crossed!

This past weekend was a bit of a trip as well - we spent some time with friends in Maryland for some good food and good fun. Sunday we spent lots of time at the pool, which C absolutely loves.

C has had a little learning explosion lately. He has a ton of words back that he'd lost and a few new ones. He's now saying Mommy, car, Mickey, monkey, more (with the sign), EIEIO (when we're singing Old McDonald), go (when he wants to go outside), and yay! There are a few others I can't remember right now, but it seems like there are more each day.