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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Two Peas in a Bucket

Since getting my DSLR last summer, I've been tinkering around with it and learning as I go. Though I consider it a personal accomplishment to have never shot a single picture in auto, one of my goals for this year is to buckle down and take an online course to learn the ins and outs of my camera before getting into bad habits or guessing at using features.

Fortunately, there is a free online "course" that you can read through and learn features and practice various techniques from Two Peas in a Bucket.

The course goes over: 

Week 1: Aperture Basic Training
Week 2: Advanced Aperture
Week 3: Light
Week 4: Flash
Week 5: Composition & Framing
Week 6: Shooting Indoors
Week 7: Shooting Outdoors
Week 8: On the Go
Week 9: Portraits
Week 10: Landscapes
Week 11: Your Daily Environment
Week 12: Lenses, Filters & Accessories

You can find the links to each of the courses here.

Each week comes with homework and things to try out. I'm going to be participating in the course on a photography message board over the next few months and will also post my "homework" here! Hopefully, I can learn more about what my camera can do because I am absolutely certain that I haven't gotten the hang of it all just yet. 

In the meantime, I'm going to keep practicing and pinning fun tutorials and photo ideas on my Pinterest "I want to be good at photography" board. If you're interested in taking the Two Peas course with me, let me know! We can do a weekly check in and show and tell!

And while we're talking about pictures, I leave you with another J & C favorite. :-) Something about pictures of them makes me want to make them black and white...

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