The cherry on top of my epiphany sundae is realizing what the month of February is going to look like; events and programs almost every weekend, lots of deadlines and meetings, and elections for the group I advise. Plus, I'm participating in this year's production of The Vagina Monologues (yay, vaginas!), but that's on my own desire to be a scheduling crazy person.
In reality, February won't be too bad; I love my job, I don't mind being busy, and talking about vaginas and making people visibly uncomfortable is fun. The down side is the lack of C and J time that is bound to result. I'm going to have to make it a serious point to spend some QT with the boys to keep my sanity.
So, here's to the end of January - you were a good, relatively calm month and I'm sad to see you go. As for February, I say bring it, you day off-less, extra long this year heathen.

I hope February turns out to be a great month for you!