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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Everything!

From our home to yours, Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah! I hope you had a wonderful day of family, friends, food, and fun!

Santa brought C a kitchen! His new challenge is learning to stand independently and squat to play (building leg muscles), so this kitchen fit the bill perfectly. It came with lots of pretend food and dishes and makes all kinds of fun sounds.
He is nothing short of obsessed with it. Good job, Santa.

So much so, he wouldn't put down the pieces to open other presents!

C insisted on helping Daddy make breakfast -- its hard to see in the picture, but that's a frying pan and spoon he's got in his hands mimicking J making pancakes. I about drowned in cuteness.

C also got a ball pit, which he doesn't quite understand yet, but I am pretty sure he'll be diving into it in no time. And did I mention I made C and J matching pajama pants with adorable cartoon moose on them? Cuz I did and they looked adorable, if you ask me. Hehehe

After a morning of pajamas, pancakes, and presents, we had dinner with family and enjoyed some good food and fellowship. I'd call Christmas 2011 a success. :-)

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