First came love...
J and I met in college my senior year (his first year in graduate school) and made it work for a year long distance (I left for graduate school elsewhere) before he moved in with me. We shared a love of Halloween, summer camp, completing 1000 piece puzzles, and beer. Oh, and a bunch of other stuff.
Then came marriage...
After we both graduated, we packed up and moved to Virginia. J proposed on October 6th, 2008 and we were married on October 31st, 2009 (I told you we loved Halloween). Thanks to some unmeasurably awesome friends, we spent an amazing honeymoon at Disney World. Yes, we wore those wedding Mickey Mouse ears everywhere. We were totally those people.
Then came Charlie in the baby carriage...
On Friday, March 26th, I found out I was pregnant with our first little one. My due date was December 8th, 2010, but he had other plans (and still usually does). C arrived at 10:43pm on October 31st, 2010 (I guess Halloween is just our day) weighing in at a surprising 6 lbs 1 oz and 17 3/4 inches long. After a 2 week stay in the NICU, he came home with us healthy as can be.
And he grew and grew and grew...
My little man is almost a year old now and time continues to fly by. He's come so far from the tiny preemie struggling to gain weight and it makes my heart soar to see his chunky butt doing so well now.
Our little family now lives back in PA (where J and I went to school) to the delight of our family. We're setting into our new town and I have a feeling we're going to be here for a while. Thank goodness.
If you're a regular reader, I hope you enjoyed this quick recap! If you're from Toddle Along Tuesday, I hope you enjoyed this introduction! I look forward to linking up and sharing the topic of the week. Want to link up your Mommy blog? Click the button and join the fun!

What an a cute idea! I found you thru Tat and now following. You have an adorable family. We have the exact same picture of my husband and I doing the Disney trip! I also went to school in pa and love it there. Anyway, I have a blog where I talk about my 6 month old/3 yr old. Would love if you would follow.
ReplyDeleteHe has the most adorable smile! I cannot believe his is almost 1 already.
ReplyDeleteAw, I love all of your pictures! The halloween ones are great!