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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Eleven Months Old

C is officially eleven months (and two days) old! Where has the time gone? Only 29 days left in the big birthday countdown. I haven't gotten a chance to get an official height and weight just yet, but hope to later today. 

Favorite toys: Leap Frog Learn and Groove Drum, simple wooden letter blocks

Favorite foods: Eggs, macaroni and cheese, and applesauce

Favorite activities: Being outside, army crawling all over the living room, being lifted up above our head

Clothing size: Mostly 12 months size, except for pants which are still 6-9.

Teeth: Eight! Four top and four bottom. He loves brushing them. Thank goodness.

Sleep: Phasing out his morning nap, solid afternoon nap, and sleeping 7:30pm to 6am through. Woo!

Words (in context) : Mama and almost Dada

Other Milestones: Army crawling (trying to get his belly off the floor) and making all kinds of noises and raspberries. He has great object permanence, claps, gives high five, and will point to his belly when you ask where it is. Sometimes.


  1. Wow!! He is getting so big!! I've been following your blog for awhile and love to see him grow!! I have been inspired by you to start my own blog... I hope you will follow mine also!

  2. Aw, why thank you! What is your blog link?
