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Friday, July 15, 2011

Y3W: Seven Days Left

Of work, that is. I've worked here for three years, the longest I've ever worked anywhere, and I'm almost done. Its exciting, its scary, and its downright weird. As my first post grad job, this is where I've established myself as a professional and where I'm comfortable. Life isn't about being comfortable though and I am looking forward to starting fresh at a new place with new responsibilities. Despite all the craziness, I really am going to miss working here.

Can you sum up your week in three words? Jenni from the Blog challenges bloggers to do just that every week. Fun, huh? Join in the fun! When you've written about your three words, hop around to other blogs participating in Y3W by clicking this lovely button!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for following! Good luck with your last 7 days, I am sure it will be great to start new. :)
