The life of a cloth diaper is a simple one. Wear, poop, wash, repeat. Well, maybe its a little more complicated than that. We wash whatever diapers are in the pail every other day (or every third day if we're lazy). The ONLY bad part about these diapers? Pulling out the microfiber absorbency liners before putting everything in the wash. If you're wondering, two day old pee smells fantastic. Today's fun fact about breastfeeding is that the resulting poop is water soluble. (Sorry if that's TMI, but I'm a Mom - baby poop is in my daily vocabulary) Yup, just throw it in the wash. Poop and all. But what about your washer!? That's what water soluble means - it gets washed away. A cold rinse, hot wash, and extra hot rinse does the trick. We end up with bright, clean diapers and liners and a clean washing machine. No harm done. And we even air dry them. Aren't we just so green?
I seriously urge anyone remotely interested in cloth diapering to at least give it a shot. The diapers we have are all in one pocket diapers that will fit Charlie from now until he's potty trained (thanks to strategically placed snaps and the removable liners). They are SO much softer than disposables, are less likely to give him diaper rash, and we've had no leaks or blow outs since we've switched over.
Between cloth diapering, breastfeeding, and buying like new baby clothes from consignment, I'm thoroughly enjoying the amount of money we're saving. The thing that makes me laugh about all of this? Being environmentally and economically savvy is now chic. When I was younger it was just what you did to save money when you didn't have a lot of it! I'm glad that my motivation to be price conscious is finally hip.
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