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Monday, February 7, 2011

Finally, Some Inspiration!

I, in some delusional state, thought that while on maternity leave I would be able to work on the numerous sewing and quilting projects I've got in the works. Hahahahaha! Isn't that hysterical? While I thoroughly enjoyed my time off, I did not turn on my sewing machine once (aside from whipping up Charlie's Christmas outfit).

I miss quilting...big time. I never got a chance to make one for Charlie as his official baby blanket, but it was probably a good thing as I didn't know he was a boy until he arrived. Ever since the moment I heard, "its a boy!" I've been brainstorming his boyish room and baby blanket. I quickly fell in love with the rocket ship collection from Dwell Studios and used that as my inspiration. Isn't it so freaking cute?! Though his room is still yellow as a hold over from the neutral look, it'll work in the meantime.

Having found bedding and a new direction, I could start working on a quilt. Fast forward a few weeks and I still had nada...until today. I stumbled upon this pattern on a blog and am absolutely in love with it. This is for a pillow, but I can only imagine that I'd be able to work the pattern in to a quilt somehow. Now that I have a general idea, I'm itching to get to JoAnn Fabrics and start it! Now, to only find time...

1 comment:

  1. Hi this is jamiejensen710 from thebump! I love that rocket quilt square - it is SUPER cute!!
